Function Planner

    To help us prepare for your party and to help us personalise our service to you, we would like to gather more information.
    Please can you complete the form below, once you have submitted it we will send you a copy as well.

    Your name
    Your email address

    Function Date

    What time can we access the room from?

    Function Details

    Function Start Time
    Finish (Music Off)

    Are you planning on having any speeches on the evening, if so please specify the time?

    What time is the evening buffet/meal?


    Please advise of any music that you would like playing (Genre/Style/Group/Track)

    Is there any music that you don't want playing?

    Additional information
    Please advise if you have anything else going on in the room that we need to be aware of (magician/Photobooth/live music ect)

    If we have any questions we will contact you directly, otherwise we look forward to seeing you on your big day.